First Shot..

Well, hey. I don’t got much going on tonight, it’s about to be eight thirthy and we haven’t left my mom’s boyfriend’s house yet. I’m just on his brother’s laptop why my younger brothers, Jayden and Christian are playing the Playstation. I’m just trying this thing out, because it’s more private. I suck at talking, but im good at typing. Well, here I am again. But with nothing to “talk” about. Or type. I dunno, this is new. I’m just bored, and quiet. This heat will be the end of me….

About untoldhiddenstory

Well, i go threw alot of things pretty fast. Im a bit shy, but totally crazy. I live with my mom and my younger siblings. I will tell my story that not alot of people will know, I never share my feelings to anyone really and tend to keep to myself. I love animals and I will always try to take in one in need. Im a pretty good friend, but I do have some bad parts to me.
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